Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Prague and Budapest

The colors of Prague, 5 x 7 pastel on board

We loved Prague! Had a great room by the river overlooking the cathedral on the hill. A wonderful walking city and so many beautiful buildings. This was a particularly colorful view (of course I took a few liberties with the typical gray building on the right). Also wanted to capture the lovely aqua onion dome.

Side Street, Prague, 5 x 7 pastel on board

Another street scene in a completely different color palette. The streets around our hotel were full of views like this, making it a joy to explore.

Along the Vlatava (Moldau) 5 x 7, pastel on board

I was so excited to see the Moldau for the first time, having fallen in love with Smetana's piece when I first became aquainted with classical music. This view was typical of the beautiful churches, spires, and colorful rooftops.

Back Street View, Budapest, 5 x 7, pastel on board

I loved the color and shape of the spire on this church. Budapest is a fascinating city. We were on the Pest side, in an art nouveau hotel, but, alas, no view of the river, as in Prague.

Note: all miniatures are for sale for $125, including shipping.

Salzburg, Austria and environs.

Alpine vista (view from the Eagle's Nest), 5 x 7, pastel on board

While in Salzburg, we took a trip to the German Alps to the Eagle's Nest, a building atop a mountain peak, built as a 50th birthday present for Hitler. The scenery from there was quite lovely. I tried to ignore the Hitler aspect and focus on the mountains and wildflowers.

Sidestreet in Salzburg, 5 x 7, pastel on board

The city of Salzburg is really lovely. Unfortunately, it was quite hot when we got there. One of my fascinations with our trip was the variety of church steeples and towers, and I tried to focus on these in the miniatures.

Rooftops of Salzburg,

5 x 7 pastel on board

This is a scene from early evening, at a restaurant high on a hill with a lovely view of the roof tops and the dome and spires of the cathedral.

Note: All miniatures are for sale for $125, including shipping.

European miniatures.

Meisenheim am Glan, 5 x 7, pastel on board

In July, John and I traveled to central Europe. One of our first stops was the town of Meisenheim, Germany, where my great-grandfather, Emile Goela was born. It was a lovely, preserved medieval town and we had a wonderful time exploring the village and eating bratwurst and beer.

Our next stop was Strasbourg, in the Alsace area of eastern France. The old city has a waterway surrounding it. The buildings are mainly half-timbered and brightly colored with beautiful reflections in the water.

Strasbourg Reflections, 5 x 7, pastel on board.

Note: all of the miniatues are for sale for $125, including packing and shipping. I'll put up subsequent postings with the remaining 7 paintings.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Seaside Garden (Molly's Cove)

14 x 16 pastel on Pastelmat

We've been in Europe for three weeks and now I'm getting ready to go to Maine to paint for a week. In between, I'm starting to prepare for a show in Mattapoisett next summer. This is a painting of Molly's Cove, off of Mattapoisett Neck where I lived in the 1950's. It was a beautiful, peaceful morning with light infusing everything. I found an area with a lovely garden of various purple flowers . And I couldn't resist adding the cormorant sitting on the rock at far left! Will be back in Mattapoisett briefly this weekend and hope it's as nice.