From Plein Air to Studio
Summer Bog #1 14 x 11, pastel
I recently returned from Massachusetts with a number of plein air pieces and demos done over the past two years. I wasn't sure whether they were salvageable or not and decided to work on them in the studio.
These are two paintings done on the same day at the cranberry bog just up the street from my mother's house. I understand the bogs were recently sold--but purchased by a land trust, thank goodness!
Summer Bog no. 1 was done first and reflects the early morning light that was streaking across the bog. While there is a lot of green on the bogs in the summer, there is still a hint of red.
In Summer bog #2, I was interested in the curve of the road way and the patterns and shapes of color created by the bog. The sun went in and it became quite cool and windy! I can still remember it, even though I painted these a year ago.
In the studio I was able to enhance the color and fill in areas that were left too sketchy for my taste.